Dentures in Denver, CO

Dentures have been a foundational solution in dental care for many years. They offer numerous individuals the opportunity to regain the function of their mouths and improve the appearance of their smiles. However, they do have limitations when it comes to look, feel, and function. Fortunately, the evolution of dental prosthetics has significantly broadened the horizons for those seeking dental restoration. Today’s implant dentures are more comfortable, natural-looking, and tailored to individual needs than ever before. With advanced dental technology, patients can now access a range of denture options.

Exploring Your Options With Dentures

Recognizing that each patient has distinct needs and desires, we offer a diverse range of denture solutions. Each option caters to different lifestyles, dental conditions, and personal preferences. These options ensure that anyone looking to restore their smile can find a solution that fits their situation perfectly.

Traditional Dentures

Traditional dentures are removable appliances designed to replace missing teeth. They rest on the gum ridge and are held in place by suction or, in some cases, adhesives. While they are an affordable and non-invasive solution, they require adjustments over time to ensure a comfortable fit as the jawbone naturally changes shape following tooth loss.

Complete dentures are used when all teeth in the upper or lower jaw must be replaced. Partial dentures are ideal for individuals who still have some of their natural teeth. These appliances are designed to fill in the gaps created by missing teeth. They are held in place with clasps that attach to the remaining teeth. This option helps restore the smile’s appearance and prevents the remaining teeth from shifting in the mouth.

If you need teeth extracted, we offer immediate dentures. These full-arch prosthetics are ready to use the same day as your extraction, ensuring you are never without teeth.

Implant Overdentures

Implant-retained dentures, or overdentures, offer a blend of stability and convenience. They typically require between 4 and 8 mini dental implants per arch to securely anchor the overdenture. This design is often called a “snap-on” denture, given its ability to easily attach to and detach from the implants. This feature allows wearers to enjoy the benefits of a fixed denture while retaining the ability to remove it for cleaning and maintenance. It provides an ideal combination of durability and practicality in daily use.

Semi-Removable Roundhouse Denture

Semi-removable implant dentures, similar to a complete denture, replace all the teeth in an arch with what’s known as a roundhouse bridge. We anchor this zirconia bridge using 6 to 10 mini dental implants, employing a system often referred to as Fix-on-Six®. This approach offers greater stability than traditional overdentures. Unlike other prosthetic solutions, the patient doesn’t remove these; instead, they are removed only by Dr. Bashi during regular dental cleanings.

Non-Removable Roundhouse Denture

Implant-supported or non-removable dentures are permanently fastened onto 10 to 12 mini dental implants with dental cement. They are renowned for their unmatched stability. Like semi-removable dentures, the false teeth are made from zirconia. This ceramic material is known for its natural and long-lasting appearance. This permanent denture mimics the function, look, and feel of natural teeth more than any other option.

Using Mini Dental Implants to Stabilize Dentures

Mini dental implants play a crucial role in stabilizing implant dentures. These small but strong implants ensure a snug fit by anchoring the prosthesis directly to the jawbone. They eliminate the common issues associated with traditional prosthetics, like slippage and discomfort.

While traditional dental implants can be used to support dentures, mini implants provide incredible benefits for patients:

  • Minimally invasive placement: The compact design of mini dental implants means that Dr. Bashi doesn’t need to make incisions when placing the implants. Instead, he simply drills a small hole through the gums and secures each implant into the jawbone. Additionally, most patients don’t need a bone graft when they opt for mini dental implants. This minimally invasive approach reduces the trauma to the gum and bone tissue, leading to a smoother, more comfortable recovery.
  • Quicker procedure: Traditional implants typically require a lengthy healing period before the permanent prosthetics can be attached. However, this waiting time is drastically reduced with mini implants. This allows patients to benefit from improved chewing function, clearer speech, and a revitalized smile much sooner.
  • Cost-effective: Generally, mini dental implants cost about half of their traditional counterparts. This affordability makes them accessible to a broader range of patients, offering a cost-effective solution for denture stabilization.

The Impact of Implant Dentures

When looking for dentures, your goal is to improve your oral health, restore your chewing and bite ability, and improve your smile’s appearance. Traditional dentures offer a solution to fill the gaps left by tooth loss, enhancing your smile’s look. However, they don’t always fully restore natural function. Many wearers find that traditional dentures can slip or cause discomfort while eating. This can limit the variety of foods they can comfortably consume, potentially impacting nutritional intake.

Mini dental implants represent a significant advancement in dental restoration, offering benefits far beyond traditional dentures. Unlike conventional dentures, implant dentures are anchored in the jawbone, providing a stable and secure foundation. This direct integration with the jaw prevents the dentures from shifting or slipping. It also helps to maintain jawbone health. Dental implants are prosthetic tooth roots that stimulate the jawbone, keeping it strong and preventing bone loss. Traditional denture wearers may experience changes to their facial appearance because a typical denture doesn’t provide the stimulation the jawbone needs to maintain its structure.

Finally, the secure fit offered by implant dentures significantly reduces the risk of the gums becoming sore or irritated from denture movement, fostering healthier gum tissue. The increased stability dramatically improves chewing efficiency, allowing individuals to enjoy a wider range of foods. This, in turn, positively affects overall nutrition and health.

Experience Denture Stability With Implant Dentures

Traditional dentures have been a significant solution for dental restoration for many years. However, mini dental implants present a more advanced and effective option. These implants offer a stable foundation for replacement teeth, help prevent bone loss, and improve the ability to eat and speak. This makes them a superior choice for individuals looking to enhance their oral health and overall quality of life.

If you are ready to explore your denture options, schedule a free consultation at the Mini Dental Implant Center of America in Denver today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Traditional and implant dentures are excellent for replacing an entire set of teeth, but partial dentures can be a viable option if you still have some of your natural teeth. They’re specifically designed to blend in with your remaining teeth.

For an option that offers more security, Dr. Bashi can install an implant bridge supported by mini dental implants. This permanent solution differs from partial dentures as it provides enhanced stability and improves chewing strength.

Traditional dentures do not stimulate the jawbone like natural tooth roots do, leading to a gradual deterioration of the bone over time.

Implant dentures, on the other hand, replace the original tooth roots. Not only do they secure your bite, but they also maintain your jawbone’s structure. The implants stimulate the jawbone when you bite and chew, effectively halting bone loss.

Traditional dentures sit on the gum ridge and don’t integrate with the jawbone. As a result, the bone isn’t effectively stimulated when you bite and chew. Over time, the bone begins to resorb or shrink, a process that can alter the shape of the jaw.

This bone loss can also contribute to changes in facial structure, potentially leading to a more aged appearance. Since mini dental implants replace the missing tooth roots, they stimulate and prevent these changes from occurring. If you are concerned about the possible changes to your facial appearance, we recommend implant dentures.