Root Canal Treatment in Denver, CO

Root canal treatment might seem scary, but it’s a common procedure that saves a tooth that might otherwise need to be removed. This treatment is essential for saving teeth in distress, offering a pathway to eliminating pain and restoring dental health. It’s more than just a procedure; it’s a commitment to preserving your natural smile and ensuring longevity and comfort.

If you are anxious about getting a root canal, we can understand why. Root canals have a bad reputation. However, with modern dental practices, your treatment with Dr. Bashi will be as comfortable and efficient as possible.

Understanding Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a critical component of restorative dentistry. It addresses issues in the tooth’s center that houses blood vessels, connective tissues, and nerves. Also called endodontic therapy, it tackles infections in the tooth’s pulp—the innermost layer beneath the enamel and dentin.

Contrary to common belief, the treatment isn’t painful. Instead, it’s the infection itself that causes pain. The discomfort comes from inflammation, nerve damage, or a pus-filled abscess. Fortunately, root canal therapy can alleviate pain and restore your oral health.

Signs That You Need Root Canal Treatment

Sometimes, a tooth that requires a root canal might not show any signs. That’s why regular check-ups with Dr. Bashi are crucial for spotting problems early. Still, there are several symptoms that are more easily noticed, including:

  • Tooth discoloration: The tooth can become darkened, which may signal a possible infection inside the pulp.
  • Swollen gums: The gums may swell and feel tender around the affected tooth.
  • Gum abscess: A pus-filled bump, or abscess, on the gums near the affected area is a sign of infected tissue.
  • Persistent pain: Ongoing and significant pain in the tooth that doesn’t subside is one of the most common symptoms of an infected root canal.
  • Sensitivity to temperatures: The tooth may be sensitive to hot or cold temperatures that linger after the source is removed.

Causes of Root Canal Infection

When a tooth shows signs like persistent pain, sensitivity, or swelling, it often indicates underlying issues. These symptoms of root canal infection come from various causes, including:

  • Deep decay: When cavities go untreated, they can reach the tooth’s pulp, leading to infection.
  • Cracks and chips: Physical damage to a tooth, such as cracks or chips, can allow bacteria to enter the pulp chamber.
  • Traumatic injuries: Injuries to a tooth might not show external signs but can still harm the pulp inside.
  • Repeated dental procedures: Undergoing multiple dental procedures on the same tooth can stress the pulp, making it vulnerable to infection.

If you’re noticing any symptoms of infection or are worried that your tooth is vulnerable to infection, it’s essential to act fast and consult Dr. Bashi. You may need root canal treatment to save the tooth and prevent further harm.

What to Expect From Your Root Canal Treatment


The treatment begins with Dr. Bashi thoroughly examining the affected tooth and surrounding gums. This step often includes discussing your symptoms and dental history to pinpoint the problem. Next, Dr. Bashi will take a digital X-ray to get a precise view of the tooth. This imaging helps Dr. Bashi determine the extent of the infection and plan your treatment.


To ensure a comfortable experience, Dr. Bashi applies local anesthesia to numb the tooth and surrounding area. This step is crucial for a pain-free procedure, allowing patients to feel at ease.

Dr. Bashi makes a small opening in the top part of the tooth to access the damaged pulp. This step is performed with special tools designed for accuracy and minimal discomfort.

The infected pulp is carefully removed, and the tooth’s inner chamber is meticulously cleaned using specialized instruments. After, the canals within the tooth are shaped and prepared for the filling material. This shaping ensures the canals are thoroughly sealed and protected from future infections.

Dr. Bashi fills the cleaned and shaped canals with gutta-percha, a biocompatible rubber-like material. The canals are then sealed with an adhesive cement. This step restores the tooth’s structure and integrity.

Restoration and Aftercare

Depending on the severity of the damage, the tooth may require a filling or crown for additional protection and to restore its function and appearance. Dr. Bashi will recommend the best restoration option for your specific situation.

In cases where a tooth cannot be saved and must be extracted, we offer swift replacement options with mini dental implants. These devices are artificial tooth roots that support a false crown. Mini implants provide a durable, long-lasting, and natural-looking replacement solution.

After the procedure, Dr. Bashi will provide detailed instructions for post-treatment care and schedule follow-up visits to monitor the tooth’s healing and ensure the success of your treatment.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today

If you’re experiencing symptoms like persistent tooth pain, sensitivity to temperatures, or gum swelling, these could be signs that your tooth requires immediate attention. With a focus on patient comfort and the goal of preserving your natural teeth, Dr. Bashi and his skilled team are dedicated to delivering the highest quality of care.

Contact the team at the Mini Dental Implant Center of America in Denver today to schedule your free consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

A tooth is typically extracted when it is deemed too damaged or decayed to be saved, or if its presence could compromise the health of the surrounding teeth and gums. In contrast, a root canal is performed on an infected tooth with enough healthy structure to be restored.

The decision between extraction and root canal often depends on the extent of damage to the tooth and the potential for restoration. A root canal preserves the natural tooth, keeping your original bite and oral structure intact. However, extraction may be necessary if the tooth’s condition suggests that restoration won’t last or could cause additional oral health issues.

Root canals have a reputation for being painful, but with advances in dental techniques and anesthesia, the procedure itself is typically pain-free. A local anesthetic numbs the area, ensuring comfort throughout the procedure. You may feel some pressure during the process, but you shouldn’t feel any pain.

After the procedure, some tenderness or mild discomfort is normal as the anesthesia wears off, but this can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication. Most people find the discomfort following a root canal is significantly less than the pain experienced from the infection before the procedure.

Yes, root canals provide a lasting and effective treatment for many patients. While individual experiences may differ, a root canal-treated tooth can last a lifetime with proper care and regular dental check-ups.

Dr. Bashi will provide guidance on how to maintain the health of the treated tooth, ensuring its long-term success. Regular dental visits play a key role in monitoring and addressing any potential issues, maximizing the longevity of your root canal results.