Extraction in Denver, CO

While it may sound daunting, tooth extraction is a common procedure meant to safeguard your oral health. The goal is to alleviate pain, prevent future dental complications, and pave the way for a healthier you. Whether addressing severe decay, resolving overcrowding, or preventing the spread of infection, tooth extraction is a vital tool designed to improve oral health and enhance functionality. It often provides the foundation for further restorative or cosmetic treatments.

Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?

A tooth extraction involves carefully removing a tooth from its socket within the bone. This standard dental procedure is vital in addressing various oral health challenges. It ensures that your dental well-being is maintained or improved. Dr. Bashi may recommend extraction for several important reasons, all aimed at preserving your dental health:

  • Severe decay: Removal is often the best course of action when the tooth is significantly decayed beyond repair.
  • Periodontal disease: When gum disease has advanced significantly and the tooth can no longer be saved, removal can prevent further damage to surrounding tissues.
  • Unsuccessful root canal: In cases where a root canal treatment cannot save a tooth, or if the tooth has become re-infected after a root canal, extractions may be necessary. This step is taken to remove the source of infection and protect the health of the surrounding teeth and jawbone.
  • Impaction: Particularly common with wisdom teeth, impaction occurs when a tooth doesn’t emerge from the gums properly. Impacted teeth are often extracted to alleviate pain and prevent infection.
  • Overcrowding: When teeth are overcrowded, they appear crooked. They may also cause discomfort and make it challenging to clean your teeth effectively. Removal can help align teeth properly, serving as a starting point for effective orthodontic treatment.
  • Trauma: Extractions may be the only option for teeth that are severely damaged due to trauma.

Simple vs. Surgical Tooth Extraction

When Dr. Bashi recommends a tooth extraction, it falls into one of two categories: simple or surgical. The distinction between these two types is based on the tooth’s visibility and the complexity of the removal process. A simple extraction is performed on a tooth that is visible in the mouth. Dr. Bashi will use a specialized instrument called an elevator to loosen the tooth and remove it.

A surgical extraction is more complex. The procedure is necessary for teeth that are not easily accessible or easily removed. We will use more advanced surgical techniques when teeth are broken or impacted or have curved or fragile roots.

The Extraction Process

Complimentary Consultation

Before an extraction, we begin with a comprehensive assessment. This includes a thorough discussion of your dental and medical history, an oral exam, and X-rays. This step helps Dr. Bashi determine the type of extraction needed and develop your personalized treatment plan.

At your visit, he will provide instructions on how to prepare for your procedure. Dr. Bashi and his skilled team will ensure you’re comfortable and answer any questions about the procedure’s details and treatment costs. We can verify your insurance coverage and help you secure financing ahead of your procedure.

The Extraction

Dr. Bashi will apply a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area. If you’re undergoing a surgical extraction, additional anesthesia may be appropriate. The goal is to facilitate a comfortable and worry-free experience.

For simple extractions, Dr. Bashi will gently loosen and remove the tooth using an elevator and forceps. For surgical extractions, he will make an incision in the gum to access the tooth, remove any obstructive bone, or segment the tooth for easier removal.

If a permanent tooth must be removed, Dr. Bashi can often extract the tooth and place a mini dental implant during the same visit. At your free consultation, he can help you decide on an appropriate replacement option.

Post-Extraction: Aftercare

After Dr. Bashi removes the tooth, you’ll be asked to bite down on gauze to aid in clot formation and minimize bleeding. Dr. Bashi will also provide specific aftercare instructions. These include swelling and pain management guidelines, oral hygiene directions, and dietary recommendations.

Recovery times vary, but most patients resume normal activities in just a few days. Dr. Bashi will offer tailored advice for a smooth recovery and schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor your healing progress.

After assessing the extraction site’s healing progress, Dr. Bashi may discuss the option of dental implants to replace the extracted tooth.

Preserve Your Oral Health With Dr. Bashi Today

Tooth extractions are sometimes necessary to maintain your oral health. If you think you may require an extraction or wish to learn more about how this procedure can benefit you, contact us today. Schedule your free consultation to take the first step toward protecting your smile.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can start eating soft foods a few hours after an extraction once the numbness from the anesthesia wears off. It’s important to avoid chewing directly on the extraction site. Opt for lukewarm foods to prevent any discomfort, and steer clear of hot, spicy, or hard foods that could irritate the area or dislodge the blood clot forming in the socket. Gradually reintroduce more solid foods into your diet as the healing process progresses and according to your comfort level.

Always follow the specific aftercare instructions provided by Dr. Bashi to ensure a smooth recovery.

A typical tooth extraction takes about 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the case. Simple extractions, where the tooth is visible and easily accessible, tend to be quicker. More complicated cases, such as those involving impacted teeth, generally require more time.

During your consultation, Dr. Bashi will assess your situation and give you an estimate of how long your procedure will take. The goal is to ensure the procedure is as efficient, comfortable, and effective as possible.

Tooth extraction involves minimal pain thanks to modern dental techniques and anesthetics. After the extraction, some soreness or mild discomfort is expected as the anesthesia wears off, but this can typically be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Dr. Bashi will also provide aftercare instructions to help minimize discomfort and promote healing. If you are worried about pain and discomfort, you may be interested in PRP therapy, which uses your body’s natural healing abilities to minimize pain and accelerate healing.